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Start a Roguelike Dev Tutorial

(1 minute) programming, rust, game, roguelike


What's a roguelike? A game like Rogue: typically featuring procedurally generated dungeons, an ascii interface, permadeath, and lots of exploration. There's been some discussion over what constitutes a roguelike (vs. a roguelite), but that's not important to me right now. Before I can decide what features I want in my game I need to figure out how to build a game.

My first step, then, is to find a tutorial to follow.


In search of a tutorial, I visited r/roguelikedev, a subreddit dedicated to people making roguelikes. They have a list of tutorials in various languages.

I considered following the Typescript tutorial, because I work with Typescript almost every day at my job, but I work with Typescript almost every day at my job. Instead, I'm going to follow a Rust tutorial: I like the language and want to become more familiar with it. I found three Rust tutorials:

I'm going to go with the RLTK tutorial: it seems more fleshed-out and uses an ECS.

Getting Started

I'm going to start the tutorial now...

...Gotta update Rust, rustup update... Maybe do this before starting the blog post next time...

...I'm skipping the WASM stuff for now. Sounds nice, but I don't even have a repo for my code yet!

...Sweet, I got it to display "Hello Rust World" in a floating window.

I've finished the first chapter. Not much going on yet.