
2024 Reading List

(23 minutes) books, reading

2024 was a Brandon Sanderson year for me, in preparation for the fifth Stormlight Archive book. I also re-read some books to share with my 2nd-grader.

Roguelike Dev Day 8: Last Several Chapters

(3 minutes) programming, rust, game, roguelike

I'm mostly just reading through the tutorial now. I have all the code downloaded, and I read through it on my machine to understand it, but I haven't been writing or even copy/pasting the code from the book.

Roguelike Dev Day 7: Finishing Inventory

(1 minute) programming, rust, game, roguelike

Short day: finish the inventory, wonder about other ECSs

Roguelike Dev Day 6: UI Stuff

(2 minutes) programming, rust, game, roguelike

I don't like all the magic numbers in this example code; also, I found a solution to those explicitly bracketed scopes that were frustrating me yesterday.

Roguelike Dev Day 5: More Monsters

(1 minute) programming, rust, game, roguelike

In which I wonder if this is idiomatic Rust.

Roguelike Dev Day 4: Monster Chase

(2 minutes) programming, rust, game, roguelike

Where I add some monsters, give them some sailor mouths, & make them chase the player character around. Also run into an odd little bug.

Roguelike Dev Day 3: Cave Spelunking!

(2 minutes) programming, rust, game, roguelike

Where I spend an hour making a Field of View that looks like exploring dark caves. Also, apparently this is not a devlog. It's more like a tutorial log.

Roguelike Dev Day 2: Chapters 2-4

(2 minutes) programming, rust, game, roguelike

Today in my Roguelike dev tutorial: I can walk around some empty rooms! Also, some thoughts on what kind of game I want to make.

Start a Roguelike Dev Tutorial

(1 minute) programming, rust, game, roguelike

What's a roguelike? A game like Rogue: typically featuring procedurally generated dungeons, an ascii interface, permadeath, and lots of exploration. There's been some discussion over what constitutes a roguelike (vs. a roguelite), but that's not important to me right now. Before I can decide what features I want in my game I need to figure out how to build a game.

2022 Reading List

(26 minutes) books, reading

In 2022 I reached my reading goal of 52 books by spending about 600 hours listening to audiobooks. And I made my top-10 list!

2021 Reading List

(21 minutes) books, reading

(One year late) For 2021 I tried to tone down my goal (having reached my ambitious goal of 52 books in 2020), so I set a goal of 30 books. Instead I read 78 books. Oops. 🤷

So I Decided to Generate Some String Art

(6 minutes) programming, rust, string art

I saw a picture of some string art on Reddit a while back. I had no idea how it was done, but it looked really neat. Later I found a YouTube video where the creator explains how she created the image. The pictures looked nice and the programming seemed fun, especially as a way to practice some Rust. So I decided to generate some string art.

2D and 3D Hexagonal Coordinate Systems

(4 minutes) coordinates, fcc, game, hexagons

I want to make a video game with hexagonal tiles instead of square tiles. One of the first challenges I have run into is finding a coordinate system for referencing the tiles in my game.

Floating Point Binary Search

(8 minutes) floats, programming, ruby

Binary searching is awesome. It lets you find a target among a potentially huge search space or list with relatively few comparisons, and it is something that we do in real life (more or less). Imagine searching for the name "Hagrid" in a phone book...

2020 Reading List

(8 minutes) books, reading

I started 2020 with a goal to read 50 books. I hadn't read much the year before, so I wanted to up my game. I managed to read more: in 2019 I read 9,102 pages in 22 books, and in 2020 I read 21,512 pages across 53 books.